This site is rated 14+ and contains mild swearing (especially on rant posts).
This page (the homepage) is fine to be viewed by anyone so you're safe.
This site is currently undergoing construction! Some pages might not work as expected... or just throw 404 entirely lol
I made the site as mobile-friendly as possible, but some pages and things might not be the best experience on mobile. This site is PC-first, then mobile-second, so if you want the full experience, visit this on PC!
And this is my little corner of the interwebs!
I ramble about stuff, create stuff, and just lurk on some stuff.
I'm a 16 year old Filipino that started programming in 2020 in the midst of the pandemic, and the day when I got my first PC, which is a Dell Vostro 270s (Core i3-2100, 4GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD at the time).
My first project at that time is Win11CompChk which is a Windows 11 compatibility checker made in a batch file. Yes, it's slow but it is still usable. It's already deprecated, but you can still see the source code on my GitHub.
The first version of this site has been built on 2024 in Express.js and I'm very proud of myself of how much I improved in the last couple of years since I started programming.
Currently learning how to code in Rust, and developing a Discord bot using Rust to make myself learn quickly.
2/28/2025 11:06:00 PM
New webring: FCWL! Now added the widget on the sidebar!
2/28/2025 10:20:00 PM
Added a new set of other site's buttons for you to discover!
2/28/2025 10:10:00 PM
New homepage layout! Enjoy!
2/28/2025 9:25:00 PM
Added captions to the images on the posts so you can have captions!
2/28/2025 9:00:00 PM
Changed 'Blogs' to 'Posts' because it can now contain other stuff than blogs. It will be still called 'blogs' in the backend because of how much things it can break if not.
2/28/2025 7:30:00 PM
Changelogs has born into jb's site. Also rolled back the replacement from <p> to <div> because I'm a developer, not a develodiver.
©️ 2024-2025 jbcarreon123. All rights reserved. Copying is an act of hate.
Blog posts are licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless specified.