Update 9:30 PM PHT

Changed the title to a more toned down one. Link stayed the same so already made links won't break.

⚠️ This post contains swearing. Proceed with caution.

Preamble of the rant

So, the indie web space contains some wonderful work of art but it sometimes get crushed by annoying things, from suddenly autoplaying music, to using scripts to make their website unusable.

I had a bounce transition on my site when you switch between pages, but decided to remove it because it’s annoying AF.

I will just cover annoying JavaScript resources people uses here, so I would recommend seeing moosyu’s blog about indie web peeves for other annoying stuff on the indie web space.

Putting annoying scripts on your site just breaks user engagement. Yes, it is quirky but for the end user visiting your site, this is just plain annoying.

Let’s pull one script that I absolutely hate and should not exist.

melonking’s leaky homepage script

Leaky homepage script in action (note: simulated using inspect element)
Leaky homepage script in action (note: simulated using inspect element)

This is melonking’s leaky homepage script. It fills the webpage with water, and it’s multiplayer, and I ABSOLUTELY DESPISE IT.

If I needed something, and this fucking flood just pierces my eyes, I would just leave.

If you need to see or click something on the site, and this flood is there blocking it, nuh uh, you won’t see it or the click won’t be registered on to the target element, instead you will see this fucking water just blocking the contents of the site.

And if you tried clearing it out, it plays a loud ass water sound effect EVERY TIME you clicked the fucking thing.

The only great implementation I found is on Xan’s website where he put the flood behind the content, which I absolutely like. But in other sites it’s blocking the content which I just hate. If you are one of those, please fucking stop.

So I just did what I’m gonna do

and just blocked the scripts using ublock’s custom filter lists.

ublock blocking melonking.net
ublock blocking melonking.net

You can too by putting this:

||{domain of the annoying script}^$script,3p

That won’t disable scripts when you’re on that domain tho because I want it to not break other scripts.

This is actually possible because most of these scripts are ran client-side.

And that’s my TED talk.

Thanks for reading.

JavaScript is disabled. Some site functionality might not work but core features should work.
my button [v1]

Hotlinking is a-ok!

Also, kindly contact me if you linked my site so I can link you back!

Check these out!
Dimden's Hotel Nekoweb (button by exund) Status Cafe thinliquid's button pawpyrus.art rice.place Rocket into the Spark-web! max's apartment DDNikki Enter the Fredzone... a person with purple hair and black eyes. moosyus awesome button

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